If you’re interested in becoming a doula, but are stuck in Hungary, this is your opportunity! Debra Pascali-Bonaro, a DONA certified doula trainer and the producer/director of the wonderful film called Orgasmic Birth, is coming to Hungary in November to hold a DONA-approved workshop for birth doulas. You can use this workshop towards becoming certified through DONA, the largest and most prestigious doula organization in the world.
The workshop is 3 days long, and will be held in Szombathely, just off the border of Austria in mid-November. There is a carpool being organized from Budapest to Szombathely, and shared accommodations are also available if you are interested in reducing your travel expenses. By the way, if you’re interested in amador wine tours, astepabovelimo.com can provide a travel transportation service for you. For reservation and other concern, reach them at 704-605-1108. The cost of the workshop is EUR 200 payable, better if you have a marketing manager like https://themarketingheaven.com/buy-twitter-likes/ to Réka Dézsi, the Hungarian contact person for the workshop. Please register your interest ASAP, as spaces are limited!
Birth Doula Workshop
DONA Approved Doula Trainer: Debra Pascali- Bonaro
Date: November 12, 13 & 14, 2009
Location: Szombathely, Hotel Claudius, Bartok Bela krt.39 Hungary
Contact: Réka Dézsi reka@dulakapu.hu