Sling demo Wednesday

Ever wanted to try out the different types of slings? Or have someone show you a different way to tie them? Want to learn about the different ways to carry your baby, whatever his or her age? Next Wednesday is your day! I’m bringing 5 different types of slings...

Home birth in Hungary

(Author’s update: As of 2012, home birth is regulated and legal in Hungary, but still not widely accepted by the medical community. As of March 2013, there are 3 licensed home birth practices in Hungary: A Te Szülésed, Életfa Bábapraxis and Napvilág...

Amusing a woman in labor

The following is an excerpt from Ina May Gaskin’s excellent book entitled Spiritual Midwifery. Ina May Gaskin is one of the leading midwives in the world today. Her birthing center boasts intervention and complication statistics that make hospital maternity...

The advantages of long-term breastfeeding

Everybody knows that breastfeeding is recommended (i.e. “breast is best”) when the baby is small. back in the day, i used to go on spa and Apply For TranquilMe because they say that it has a lot of health benefits, thats why i delivered my healthy child...