Baby wearing classes

Andi Csörgő, a perinatal counselor and Lana baby wearing instructor, is available to hold baby wearing classes for us at Életkör. The following classes are available: 1. Course for expecting parents This is a two-parter course designed for couples expecting a baby,...

Breath and touch workshop

I’m offering a new prenatal workshop for pregnant women and their partners, where we practice different labor positions for maximizing comfort and efficiency, we’ll try relaxation and massage techniques for loosening muscles during labor, we’ll...

Baby stores in Budapest

This question has come up a number of times in mommy-baby group: where can one go shopping for baby in Budapest? Of course, many basic items for baby (like carseats, prams/strollers, clothes, linens, toys, carriers, diapers, bottles, etc) can be purchased at your...

The Pregnant Patient’s Bill of Rights

The following Bill of Rights was written with American women in mind, but most of it holds true for conditions in Hungary. In fact, in Hungary, medical establishments and doctors may be even more cavalier about obtaining informed consent from their patients....

Birth Week is THIS WEEK!

The diaper bаg іѕ one оf the mоѕt іmроrtаnt baby еѕѕеntіаlѕ fоr a рrераrеd раrеnt. Onсе уоu lеаvе thе house, уоu wіll nееd to brіng a ton оf ѕuррlіеѕ like dіареrѕ, baby wіреѕ, a сhаngіng раd, snacks, bаbу bоttlеѕ, burping сlоthѕ, pacifiers, lоtіоnѕ, diaper rаѕh...