by Reka | Feb 3, 2009 | birth, budapest, hungary, midwife, pregnancy
(Author’s update: As of 2012, home birth is regulated and legal in Hungary, but still not widely accepted by the medical community. As of March 2013, there are 3 licensed home birth practices in Hungary: A Te Szülésed, Életfa Bábapraxis and Napvilág...
by Reka | Dec 19, 2008 | hungary, pregnancy
Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, which happily fades of its own accord somewhere around the beginning of the second trimester (around week 12) for most women. It is often called morning sickness, which is a comlaplete misnomer, as it can occur...
by Reka | Dec 17, 2008 | birth, hungary, midwife, pregnancy
These days, natural childbirth seems to be becoming more popular again, which gives it a kind of crunchy trendiness like doing yoga or being vegetarian. (Both worthy and healthy endeavors – just like aiming for natural childbirth – under the right...
by Reka | Nov 16, 2008 | budapest, counseling, hungary, psychology
Moving to a new country can be both exciting and extremely stressful at the same time. Couples are bound to encounter problems abroad that may test the mettle of their relationship. A major life change such as relocating to a new country may include stressors such as:...
by Reka | Nov 5, 2008 | breastfeeding, budapest, hungary
Do you need extra breastmilk for your baby? Do you have excess breastmilk you’d like to donate? You have two major options in Hungary if you find yourself in either of these positions. The state does have a program that collects breastmilk from mothers who...
by Reka | Oct 25, 2008 | birth, breastfeeding, budapest, hungary
I’m glad to announce that we’re starting mommy-baby support groups again on October 29th. The group right now is combined for pregnant women and women with small babies. As soon as there are enough interested parties, we’ll separate the two groups...