Amusing a woman in labor

The following is an excerpt from Ina May Gaskin’s excellent book entitled Spiritual Midwifery. Ina May Gaskin is one of the leading midwives in the world today. Her birthing center boasts intervention and complication statistics that make hospital maternity...

Tips for nausea

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, which happily fades of its own accord somewhere around the beginning of the second trimester (around week 12) for most women. It is often called morning sickness, which is a comlaplete misnomer, as it can occur...

Constipation in the first trimester

The subject of constipation, and whether or not it is normal in the first trimester came up at our last mommy-baby group, so here’s a little bit of information about this first-trimester nuisance. The short answer is that yes, constipation is a very common...