About this site
This site was created to drive clients to my local business. I like messing around with websites, so I create and maintain all my own sites (and I have several!). But I was having trouble getting the site that lists my local services listed on the first page of Google for important keywords. Clients were telling me they found my site after long and frustrating searches on the internet. That just wouldn't do!
I'd had my eye on a product for a while that claimed it would show me how to make money online. It is called Site Build It! (or SBI!), and it includes hosting, web design and tutorials. They also show you how to put together a site that ranks well on Google and can potentially make money.
Does it work?
Well, in the first month after I started using it, this site ranked #1 for the search term "budapest doula" which was one of the terms I was previously not even on the first page for with Google. I think it was worth the money just for that. Remember, I started this site to drive clients to my local business.
I haven't tried to make money directly from this website yet, so I don't know how well that part of SBI's claims work. Eventually, I would like this site to make money in addition to sending me clients. As a marketing tool to get my local business noticed, it has worked beautifully. I followed their steps and now (as of August 2011) I get about 150 visitors to this site a day.
As I work on this site, it will eventually have affiliate links and advertisements on it. Right now, I'm still too early in the process of building this site for that, but if you would like to follow along and get a behind-the-scenes peek at how SiteSell's SBI! package works, you can follow along on my blog called Does SBI! Really Work?
Full disclosure: I am now also an affiliate of SBI!, which means that if you like what you see here and follow links to purchase SBI!, I earn a commission.
If you're interested, check out this video tour of what SBI! offers.
Update on December 22, 2011
The site receives over 500 visitors a day now (yes, just since August, my traffic almost quadrupled!). It's been amazing watching the traffic just grow and grow, despite the fact that I have very limited time to put up new content. I recently added Google ads and a few affiliate links (those are links where if you click on them, and decide to purchase the product or service, I get a commission). My Google AdSense earnings tripled already as compared to last month (admittedly not hard, since the only other place I had Google ads was on a website with relatively low traffic). Based on the earnings this past few days, I believe the site now makes enough money off Google ads to pay for Site Build It, the hosting / marketing package I used to create it.
So, yeah, Site Build It works. :) I would absolutely recommend it, especially if you are a stay-at-home mom, or if you are like me, and need to get your local business noticed. Keep checking for future updates about my progress...